Birth Control Death From Patch

Birth control pills and BPA are causing fish to become infertile, disrupting entire ecosystems 4/30/2015 - Two widespread industrial chemicals can cause infertility.

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 12, 2016 LifeSiteNews - A group of homosexual, bisexual, and transgender activists have urged the Supreme Court to overturn a Texas abortion restriction, because transgender men desperately need to have abortions.

Last week, the Obama administration and numerous state attorneys general filed briefs opposing more stringent health and safety regulations imposed by Texas House Bill 2. So did a coalition of more than a dozen LGBT pressure groups and their allies, including the Human Rights Campaign the National LGBTQ Task Force, the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders GLAD, Immigration Equality, and the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States SIECUS.

The movements for reproductive health, rights and justice are indispensable for LGBTQ people, their amicus brief states. Our work, as repro ductive and LGBTQ advocates, is inseparable as we are working for the right to live our lives fully and the right to choose how we use our bodies.

A ruling that favors discrimination under the guise of women s health would negatively impact LGBTQ people, said Rea Carey, executive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force, in a statement.

Many of us cisgender women, transgender men, intersex and gender non-conforming individuals, among others can get pregnant and rely on a full range of reproductive health options, including abortion, Carey continued.

The legal plea puts the justices at the intersection of two competing priorities of the sexual revolution: abortion and transgender theory.

In the last several years, a number of social activists have begun to insist that, due to new theories divorcing gender from biological sex, men are having abortions.

In July 2013, Lauren Rankin wrote an article entitled, Not Everyone Who Has an Abortion Is a Woman – How to Frame the Abortion Rights Issue.

Two months earlier, the New York Abortion Access Fund NYAAF said it would no longer present itself as a group fighting for women s rights. We want to make sure that NYAAF isn t just working toward every woman s right to access affordable abortion care, but every person s right, regardless of their gender, the group wrote.

Their was one of 45 amicus briefs filed opposing the Texas pro-life law, which has closed more than half of the state s abortion facilities since being signed into law by then-Governor Rick Perry.

The Obama administration said that the regulations of H.B. 2 disserve the government s interest in protecting women s health, and they would close most of the clinics in Texas, leaving many women in that state with a constitutional right that exists in theory but not in fact, in the words of U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, Jr.

The bill s supporters say the restrictions are intended to prevent women from experiencing subpar care in substandard facilities.

Oct 23, 2013  For the past 50 years, birth control pills have afforded women the freedom to take control of their bodies, plan childbirth and alleviate their acne.

91 interesting birth control facts, including history, controversy, statistics, and more.

birth control death from patch

2015 - How The Pill Kills

21-year-old died from contraceptive patch Ortho Evra, family says

The Dangers of the Ortho Evra Patch. Due to its convenience, more than 4 million women have used Johnson Johnson s Ortho Evra birth control patch since it debuted.

Click here to view how the pill kills babies from Protest the Pill Day 08: The Pill Kills Babies.

How the Pill Kills Women

The birth control pill and other birth control products can and have killed women not only in the United States, but all over the world. Oftentimes the pill leads to cardiovascular problems which can result in death.

Studies show that most women who have died from the use of the pill or other birth control products have died from blood clots, heart attacks, or pulmonary embolisms. As you can see on our side effects link, the pill also causes many other serious problems such as cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, depression and much more.

We must educate American women because so many people are telling them, Taking the pill is simple, safe and convenient.


Simple. Sure.

Convenient. Depends.


For the latest headlines and studies about how the pill kills, see our printable flyer: Could your birth control kill or disable you.

Why is it that Julie Hennessey, a 31-year-old Irish woman, died of a blood clot after taking the birth control pill. The pill caused her to develop deep vein thrombosis.


What about Ashley Lewis, a 17-year-old high school junior from St. Louis, Missouri. Ashley died after developing a blood clot in her lung, because she was wearing the birth control patch for six months.


And let s not forget about

Tanya Hayes, a 24-year-old Australian woman who died from a pulmonary embolism because of the combination of the birth control pill Yasmin and another drug, Accutane.


A 20-year-old healthy woman suffered heart arrest in bed after she had been taking oral contraceptives for two years. This young woman had first developed an increase in dyspnoea difficulty breathing ; she also had lower back pain. She was first diagnosed with asthma, but was later admitted to the hospital with severe dyspnoea, cyanosis blueness of the skin and immeasurable blood pressure. She experienced a severe double pulmonary embolism and died.


A 24-year-old mother of two children had been taking oral contraceptives for several years and had been doing so up to one month before having an operation. This young mother died seven days after the operation. It was determined that she had an increased risk of postoperative venous thrombosis, due to taking the oral contraceptives.


Zakiya Kennedy, an 18-year-old fashion student from New York who hoped to be a model, died after using the patch.


A 32-year-old non-smoking woman died after having a massive pulmonary embolism. She had been taking a birth control pill during the last three years of her life. The woman did not smoke, and while she had been on the pill, her liver had also been affected prior to her death.


Lakesha Smith, 26, delivered a premature baby at only 24 weeks, but the baby died only two hours after delivery. Smith began wearing the patch after she gave birth. After three weeks on the patch, Smith had seizures and a stroke, and she now lives with permanent injuries.


Monica Johnson, 41-year-old mother from New Jersey, suffered a pulmonary embolism and died after using the patch for less than a year.


How the Pill Kills Women continued

Did You Know.

According to a Royal College of General Practitioners study, women using oral contraceptives have a five times greater risk of death from cardiovascular causes.


Five of the pill s many deadly side effects are pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrest, hypertensive disease, heart failure and stroke.

In 2004, in the U.S., there were a total of:

3,565 recorded female deaths from pulmonary embolism;

8,065 recorded female deaths from cardiac arrest;

16,445 recorded female deaths from hypertensive diseases;

13,748 recorded female deaths from heart failure;

22,658 recorded female deaths from stroke.


How many of these women were on the birth control pill. That s a good question. By looking at the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death, it does not ask if the deceased was using any form of birth control. It does, however, ask if tobacco use contributed to death, so why not ask about the pill.

This is an example of what the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death should look like; currently it does not include a question about the pill being a cause of death.

There are serious problems that women face because of the pill, and we must TALK about it and DO SOMETHING about it.

Protest the Pill.

If you are taking the birth control pill or other birth control products you may have

Increased risk of heart disease

The Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies at the University of Udine, in Italy, conducted a study in 2008 that showed the pill increases the risk of heart disease. Women on the pill were over four times more likely to have high levels of CRP C-reactive protein and 3.9 times more likely to have levels of CRP high enough to cause an intermediate risk for heart disease.


Increased risk of breast cancer

In her talk on A New Beginning at the 2006 Humanae Vitae Conference, endocrinologist Dr. Maria Kraw discussed the pill s serious side effects. Looking at 54 studies of the pill, she observed that researchers found that it caused a 24 percent increased risk of breast cancer.


Increased risk of cerbrovascular disease and cervical cancer

A woman taking the pill is 1.9 times more likely to die from cerebrovascular disease and 2.5 times more likely to die from cervical cancer. This came from a study that was published in 1999 in a British medical journal. The 25 year follow-up study with 46,000 British women also notes that the enhanced risk of death lasts for 10 years after women have stopped taking the pill.


Increased risk of plaque buildup in arteries

A study on 1,300 women aged 35 to 55 found that the women who take oral contraceptives may have more plaque buildup in their arteries. The study was done in Belgium by researchers at the University of Ghent. It was discovered that every 10 years of oral contraceptive use was connected with a 20–30 percent increase in plaque buildup.


Increased risk of raising your blood pressure

Studies done on 60,000 women, 35,000 of whom were taking birth control pills, showed that a rise in blood pressure occurs in virtually all women who use OCs oral contraceptives for six months or longer. The studies also showed an increase in heart attacks and strokes.


Increased risk of liver problems

Several cases of liver tumors were found in young women who had been taking oral contraceptives. These case studies took place in the U.S., Great Britain, Italy, South Africa and several developing countries, and they show a connection between tumors of the liver and the use of oral contraceptives.


Dec 18, 2013  Donald Trump Hammers Away At Ted Cruz s Citizenship; We re Having The Same Birth Control Debates We Had 100 Years Ago; Texas New Gun Law.